Friday, May 25, 2012

Meg's Makeup

I visit a lot of beauty websites, blogs, and online retailers to further my quest to seek out all of the best that the beauty realm has to offer and to read any and all reviews posted on every single one of those products since the beginning of time. There are very few that I regularly visit...the bulk of which you can find on the left sidebar under my favorite sites list. I'd like to take this brief moment just to share with you the one that is most near and dear to my heart, This is THE only site that I visit on a daily basis...and there are so many reasons why I do.  The thing I love most about the site is the community.  Everyone who posts, rates, and comments on any of the reviews or forum topics is familiar to me.  You see the same nicknames, get a feel for who likes which types of products...hell, I even know the skintypes of a good majority of the regular "megheads" on the site.  This makes for a really personal experience because you are able to form that sense of connection with the users and know who likes the same types of things that you do...making it so easy to trust the reviews and reviewers.  Secondly, Megan O'Brien, who owns and runs the site, is a really fantastic gal.  That's right, I said gal....she's just so energetic, witty, and easy to identify with..I feel like she's my pal. I never miss a post from Meg because I know I'm going to smile and probably laugh my ass off..and I'm going to take away from it a really honest review that I know I can use as a basis to decide what I want to look into next or what I might want to skip over and never think about agin.  There are several regular contributors to the site (Keep an eye out for reviews from GoddessGranny and Stacy B, two of my favorites)...all with an immense talent for writing and really making an experience out of reading a beauty blog. Hell, I'd LOVE to aspire to what they are...but who'm I kidding? This is really just to give me something to do and make me feel as if my opinions may be of some import..but I digress...Point is, get your butt over to meg's and check it out! The site has been actively running for quite a number of years now, so there's a massive quantity of reviews to parouse and keep yourself occupied for the next seventeen months or so. Oh, and there are rewards to be had! I won't spoil it for you if you don't already know how it works, but believe you me when I say it's so much more awesome than any other point-based rewards system on any website. You really won't regret this one little click.

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